• Futuristic
  • ./assets/sons/track-1-futuristic.mp3
  • ./assets/sons/track-1-futuristic.mp3
  • Synthwave Dreams
  • ./assets/sons/track-2-synthwave-dreams.mp3
  • ./assets/sons/track-2-synthwave-dreams.mp3

Help bringing that player you love to your team!

Exclusive Platform where the
Loudest Voice is the Fan's Voice!

Soccer is Brazil's
National Passion

This is what we always hear, but nowadays
the fans don't just want to be in the stands anymore!

The reality is that our passion does not turn into a financial bonanza for our so passionate clubs and teams.
We see that most teams all over Brazil are broke, with debts in all Federal, State and Municipal levels, in addition to labor.
THE REASON for this is that, as the saying goes, soccer is our passion. And monthly donations to teams are something different than passion. added to this fact, the fans do not see value in making a financial donation to their team, without knowing how this money will be used, without them having a voice, command or direction.

GOMAC Crowdfunding came
to change this game!

Gomac brings the fan to the game for the first time in history, being able to participate in the formation of his team's squad! Through our crowdfunding platform we deliver the transparency of all investments made by the team and this makes the fan contribute with values ​​up to 100x more than the traditional means, such as the classical fan partner programs.

Something that touches fan's pride, impulse and bring immediate results!
Are you ready to bring your favorite player to your team?

How it Works

Learn in 6 steps how
our mechanics work